Cally Road

New homes and enhanced nature conservation area

“We want to pay tribute to the way in which they [Your Shout] have consulted local people… They have been friendly and accessible and helpful in answering questions.”

– Cally Rail Group


Our Caledonian Road project involved the sensitive redevelopment of a part-derelict site into 156 new homes and an enhanced nature conservation area.

We launched our initial proposals at the Cally Festival and invited local residents and groups to give their views and opinions. To help engage families, we organised a treasure hunt. Whilst the children were happily entertained we got the chance to talk through proposals with their parents. 

Following this, we organised meetings with the nearby tenant management organisation, interest groups and neighbours. We took our research to our client and design team, who addressed local concerns in their developing designs. Our improved proposals included a new pedestrian path through the site and an educational nature trail at the request of local people.